
1969 – The Ohio Audubon Council (OAC) was formed.

1982 – OAC establish the Adopt-a-Refuge Program and adopted the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge. This program allowed chapters to contribute to a fund to make direct purchases of items the refuge needed but could not purchase from its restricted budget.

1987 – OAC began a Audubon Camp Scholarship Grant Program to help chapters sponsor people to attend Audubon Ecology Camps.

1988 – OAC began a joint venture between Ohio State University and Ohio Division of Wildlife to sponsor two-year fellowships for graduate students.

2002 – Thirteen of 19 chapters voted to change the name of OAC the Council of Ohio Audubon Chapters (COAC), as well as change its mission. The trustees wrote new bylaws that gave Audubon chapters in Ohio an independent, collective voice.

2005-2006 – COAC held a retreat with delegates of 12 of the 19 Audubon chapters in Ohio in attendance. A professional facilitator offering pro bono services guided delegates through visioning exercises resulting in action plans in seven key areas. The process resulted in COAC Board of Trustees developing COAC’s first strategic plan.  COAC held several gatherings throughout the state, but became inactive again in the late 2000s.

2017-2018 – With the leadership of Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society, chapter gatherings resumed.  With a vote of 7 chapters for the initiative and 2 opposing in March 2018, a consultant was hired to foster networking and communication, and perform other administrative duties.

2019 – A COAC Board of Trustees was elected and work on a new strategic plan was initiated. The Board and volunteers took over the duties of the consultant..